Toxic Algae Found in Lake LBJ – What it Means?

Posted by in Lake LBJ Real Estate, Resources on Aug 21, 2023

According to the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) recent testing has detected toxic algae in Inks Lake and Lake LBJ.  Warm weather and harsh drought conditions are likely responsible for this recent development which is not uncommon this time of year.  The LCRA is warning lake patrons to avoid touching or ingesting algae and to keep pets from doing the same.

Most freshwater algae is harmless, and plays a very important role in the aquatic ecosystem but some species (specifically cyanobacteria, also known as Blue-Green algae) can sometimes produce harmful toxins that can pose a health risk to people and pets. These harmful algal blooms 0r HABs can show up without warning or change in appearance.  While it can  be very difficult to determine when this Blue-Green algae will produce toxins, production is typically instigated by excess nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous), warm and stagnant water, and lots of sunlight.  This toxin production may only last a few hours or can persist for several weeks.

It should also be noted that the name Blue-Green Algae can be a little misleading as this algae is known to be blue/green, dark green, brown and/or black.  Because visual identification can be difficult its best to avoid all algae.

Symptoms of exposure to these harmful toxins in humans can include skin and eye irritations, rashes and in more severe cases diarrhea, cramps, vomiting to fainting, dizziness or numbness, and tingling in lips, fingers and toes.  If you are worried about exposure contact your doctor or a poison control center immediately.

So what does this mean for those looking to enjoy Lake LBJ? It simply means to use caution when enjoying the lake..  Being that you likely are not one to purposefully eat algae I think you are safe.  Be sure to keep a close eye on children and pets as they enjoy Lake LBJ and always be aware of your surroundings to avoid potentially harmful encounters.  For more information on this toxic algae visit the LCRA website or for assistance with Lake LBJ Real Estate reach out to your local real estate expert at (512) 786-1515.  Be safe out there!


Feb. 10