The Market is Heating Up……AGAIN!

Posted by in Lake LBJ Real Estate on Feb 1, 2024


That didn’t take long and we aren’t surprised!  The market for Lake LBJ Real Estate is really starting to heat up quickly and homes are selling.  Now that interest rates have plateaued and people have become more comfortable with the new normal in terms of stock portfolio levels, etc. there are many buyers out searching for waterfront real estate.  Homes on GREAT water are selling quickly and close to asking price.  We have also experienced some multiple offers on our listings.

The biggest difference I am seeing today vs 2022 is that listing agents are having to be more strategic with their list price and the days of just picking a price out of thin air are gone. Remember they aren’t making any more waterfront property on Lake LBJ and there isn’t very much to begin with.  The cities in Texas around the lake like Austin, Dallas, Houston, Midland, San Antonio, you name it are all growing and thriving.  There are plenty of people with money that can afford these properties and we don’t expect a slowdown any time soon.

If you have considered purchasing waterfront real estate on Lake LBJ I highly suggest you give us a call.  We are experienced with the local market conditions and help our clients buy and sell right.  I would love to start a conversation with you so please reach out at (512) 786-1515



Feb. 10