The Impact of COVID-19 on Lake LBJ

Posted by in Horseshoe Bay, Horseshoe Bay Real Estate, Lake LBJ Real Estate on Jun 13, 2020


The impact of COVID-19 on Lake LBJ real estate has been nothing short of mind blowing!  The market, after being a complete Ghost town for 45 days is moving like I have never seen before.  Many buyers are looking for Lake LBJ real estate as a place to getaway but also as a means to protect capital over fears of rapid inflation.  Below are a few top reasons why the market on Lake LBJ is so hot:

  1. Buyers are cancelling out of state trips and looking to spend quality time at a vacation home
  2. Buyers are looking to escape the city and the COVID-19 has proven that they can be just as productive working remotely
  3. Buyers fear rapid inflation due to the amount of money that has been pumped into the economy. Hard assets tend to at minimum keep pace with inflation
  4. Who doesn’t get excited about Lake LBJ in the summer?!

I would have never imagined in a million years that I would be on pace for yet another record setting year on the lake after the entire nation has shut down over fears of Corona Virus.  We always knew inventory was extremely limited and understood that people were moving to Texas in droves but never before has the true scarcity of Lake LBJ been on such full and wide display.  In such a competitive market it is extremely important to work with an experienced broker that knows the lake, understands the market and will work harder than anyone to ensure you are seeing all the available deals and opportunities and will use their expertise to help you accomplish your goals with Lake LBJ Real Estate.  Give me a call today at (512) 786-1515 for more information or to start a conversation to get the process started.  Hire the Expert. We Know Lake LBJ!

Feb. 10