Stay Focused on What’s Critical

Posted by in Horseshoe Bay Real Estate, Kingsland Real Estate, Lake LBJ Real Estate on Jan 26, 2023

All too often I see poorly represented or unrepresented buyers make bad decisions on the lake, driven by their desire to get the perfect house and not focusing enough on the actual waterfront. The reason you are even considering a  home in this neck of the woods is because of the water.  So why would we not pay close enough attention to that water?

The properties that have the “good water” or the ones that perform the best as investments over time but they are also the ones that don’t get sold often, because the owners enjoy and love them, and rarely let them go.  You can always add on, or tear down and rebuild if your lot is good but if you buy a nice house on a bad water then your stuck with what you got.

When I talk about good water, the attributes I am referring too are things like:


-Cove vs Open Water – This will typically dictate the amount of boat traffic that passes in front of the property to get an idea of how rough the water will be. Open water and Cove-protected water have their pros and cons but understanding these differences will help you buy right for your needs


-The Lake Bottom – Is the bottom slimy? mushy? or a perfect crushed granite that is ideal on the feet? If you plan to swim in the lake you want to make sure you have a good, swimmable area to do so.  Wives don’t like MUCK!


-Flood Plain – No one ever likes to talk about floods but this is important to understand the ramifications.  Most newer homes on the lake are built to flood compliance so flooding is not an issue but understanding worst-case scenarios and what all will be at risk in the case of a natural event.


-Property Orientation – Which direction does the waterfront side of the property face? North, South, East or West?  This will determine the type of interaction the property will have in the sun.  There is no right or wrong answer here but some orientations can be more desired and thus more valuable than others.


As the local Lake LBJ Real Estate Expert we help our customers make wise decision at the lake.  We don’t just sell here but we actually live right right, on the lake and have the expertise to help you buy, sell and own right.  Leverage our experience to ensure your dreams on Lake LBJ come true.  Reach out today at (512) 786-1515 if I can be of assistance.

Feb. 10