Protest Property Taxes on Lake LBJ

Posted by in Lake LBJ Real Estate on Apr 29, 2023


Appraisal values for Lake LBJ Real Estate in both Burnet County and Llano County have been released and many homeowners are shocked at the valuations being put on their properties.  I strongly encourage everyone to protest their taxes, even if you have a homestead exemption, over 65 exemption or have tried in the past and not been successful.  This is a no-risk process with only upside if you win.  Personally I try and protest my property taxes every single year because I believe this is the only way to keep these valuations at bay.  Often times my success does not come from the informal meeting with an appraiser, or even the protest hearing but rather through binding arbitration.  Many people stop just before this step because it sounds intimidating but I have found it to be very fruitful and in past years have received the result I wanted.

Step 1 – Fill out your “Notice of Protest” for 2023.  This will put the County on notice that you plan to protest your Lake LBJ real estate property tax valuation. When filling out this form it is very important that you check the appropriate boxes.  You are not required to give an opinion of value here but if you have one that you plan to build a case for then I recommend including it here. You also want to check the box stating that you would like an “Informal hearing” ahead of time.  This will give you an opportunity to talk with an appraiser and potentially make a deal, but this is also a good time to request all information that they will be presenting for your case.  You will also have the option to include information to support your case but I make a few basic statements here and then present my case during the meetings.

If you need assistance, tips or even a recommendation for someone that can help you fight Property Taxes on Lake LBJ send me an email at EricatCarvajalGroupdotcom  (EricatCarvajalGroupdotcom)   and I will be happy to help.  Follow along for more tips and information that I will post in the coming days and weeks. Thanks for reading!


Eric Carvajal

Lake LBJ Real Estate Expert

(512) 786-1515

Feb. 10