Protecting the Tax Appraisal Value

Posted by in Horseshoe Bay Real Estate, Lake LBJ Real Estate on May 28, 2019


When purchasing a waterfront home on Lake LBJ its important to understand the tax appraisal value and the associated costs associated with owning a property.  Many properties on Lake LBJ are appraised below their current market value which means that the current and future home owner should work hard to keep this value down to reduce the long term costs associated with property ownership.

When possible I recommend purchasing properties that are not listed in MLS because when properties are listed in MLS they are plastered all over the internet and the appraisal districts then have direct access to the sale sprice.  Texas is a non-disclosure state which means that as the property owner you are not required to report the price you pay for a piece of real estate and if you are able to find something that is not publicly listed you can end up saving thousands of dollars in property taxes.

If you are in the market for Lake LBJ real estate and have questions about property taxes or any other aspect of waterfront real estate ownership call me at (512) 786-1515. Id love the opportunity to assist you and serve as a expert resource here in the Texas Hill Country

Feb. 10