The Lake LBJ Real Estate blog

Ever Heard of Meadowlakes?

Posted by on 9-09-24 in Lake LBJ Real Estate | Comments Off on Ever Heard of Meadowlakes?

Have you ever heard of Meadowlakes on Lake Marble Falls?  I really hadn’t either until a friend from college’s parents purchased a home there a while back.  When visiting I was always taken back by the size of the huge Pecan trees and I remember the first time I felt he southern breeze at the water’s edge and was reminded of just how powerful God is. I knew this place was special from the moment I stepped foot here.


For those that don’t already know Meadowlakes is actually its own city in the heart of Marble Falls.  This gated community is home to the Hidden Falls golf course and has a neighborhood pool which is getting ready to be torn out and rebuilt as an enhanced neighborhood amenity.  There aren’t many waterfront homes in the community but all of the off-water properties have access to a community park and boat ramp which is an excellent amenity.  The waterfront homes are all located in the “Orchard” which is known for its towering pecans and incredible shade.  These properties face south and benefit from the southern breeze in the hottest of months.


I really like Lake Marble Falls for a few reasons:

  1. The water is very deep which I have always appreciated.  No one likes to worry about water depth and the water here gets deep quick.
  2. There is very little boat traffic here.  Even on a holiday weekend its pretty calm around here.
  3. The Location is superb!  Being a few minutes from HEB, Home Depot, Lowes and he downtown district which includes Main Street Marble Falls is excellent.
  4. Good value – Lake Marble Falls seems to be trading cheaper than Lake LBJ and so there is a lot of value to be had with investing in something less popular but with huge potential


As prices continue to rise for waterfront real estate on Lake LBJ budget conscious buyers have to get creative, think outside of the box and find value in places others aren’t looking.  I am an active real estate investor so that is the lens through which I typically see things.  I believe your lake house can be a great investment for your family and your future and Lake Marble Falls should be included in your search.  You never know which property, and where, will move you.

Reach out at (512) 786-1515 if I can be of assistance.  As your local real estate expert on Lake LBJ and Lake Marble Falls I’d love to help you find your dream home at the lake.

Deerhaven on Lake LBJ

Posted by on 8-08-24 in Lake LBJ Real Estate | Comments Off on Deerhaven on Lake LBJ

Many of you have probably never heard of Deerhaven but in my opinion this has to be one of the most exclusive and sought after communities on the entire Lake LBJ.  Located in Horseshoe Bay, Texas next to Blue Lake Estates this incredible neighborhood is known for its towering live oak trees and rolling, green lawns down to the water.  You will need to get up close to really see that there are some magnificent homes built all along the shoreline.  Its very rare that any of these special tracts come for sale as they are owned by some of the wealthiest families in Texas, many of whom pass the properties down to the next generation.  The area is not very big which also limits the supply of available properties.  When properties do come for sale here its rare that they make the open market as word of mouth travels fast and they typically get scooped up pretty quickly. You will need a hefty budget to play ball in Deerhaven but I believe the value is there and some of these tracts are, in my opinion, as good as any trophy property in the state of Texas.

We do not currently have any properties for sale here but if you would like to be kept in the loop on available properties in Deerhaven reach out and lets have a talk.  Thanks for taking the time to read this Lake LBJ Real Estate blog. God Bless!

Good Land, Old House

Posted by on 8-08-24 in Lake LBJ Real Estate | Comments Off on Good Land, Old House

I have been working with buyers of Lake LBJ real estate for years now and I cannot tell you how many times families pass up on good opportunities because the house didn’t meet their standards. (Almost) Everyone  has a financial budget for their lake house and everyone also has a level of tolerance for camping and projects. That being said its very important to keep the overall total number properties on Lake LBJ and also the total number of available properties at any one given time in perspective.  Matching the right lot with the right house is very very hard to do and when you find it, already completed, those will be the most expensive homes.

Personally I am down to camp in an old cabin on great water and take the time to improve it, even if that means our budget is stretched and we won’t be able to complete the upgrades immediately.  My wife has less of a tolerance for these projects but will follow my lead here because she trusts me.  I like to add value to everything I buy and I also love the actual process of getting from start to finish and watching a project flourish. When I look for waterfront property I am looking for great water, great views, something special and unique.  Next I look at the house to see if its something I can work with or something I need to tear down but only after I have qualified the waterfront.  I am also always looking for a “Game changer”.  Something (sometimes very small) that I can do to unlock hidden value. This could be a tree blocking a view, a wall between a kitchen and a living room that needs opening, or even knocking down of an old eye sore and cleaning up a property. It could be as easy as cleaning out the current owners furnishings and instantly watching a space come alive.  Now you need to understand that I live full time at the lake but if I am buying a second home, I want something different than what I have at home.  I don’t need a big space, or a certain number of bedrooms, I am looking for an experience.  At the lake I want a Lake House, not a city house at the lake (but that’s just me).

The bottom line is simple. You can’t have the house you want on the property you want unless you make it or have an unlimited budget.  And sometimes an unlimited budget won’t get you everything you want on Lake LBJ.  Be open to go outside of your comfort zone on a journey.  Lake house ownership is a marathon, not a sprint.  Do not be afraid to let this be a life long project that evolves as your life does. If you start with the right land, you will have the canvas necessary for which to build your dream house on Lake LBJ.  And remember guests don’t complain when they are invited to the lake. They are just happy to be there.



Lake LBJ Real Estate: Lake Granite Shoals

Posted by on 6-06-24 in Lake LBJ Real Estate | Comments Off on Lake LBJ Real Estate: Lake Granite Shoals


Did you know that Lake LBJ was originally called Lake Granite Shoals? The lake was formed in 1950 after the building of the Granite Shoals Dam which was renamed Wirtz Dam in 1952 after the first general counsel of the LCRA Alvin J Wirtz. In 1965 Lake Granite Shoals became Lake Lyndon B. Johnson in honor of the US President for his instrumental work in enacting the Rural Electrification Act which formed the basis for creating the Highland Lakes System.  If you are searching for Lake LBJ Real Estate give me a call.  We are local experts!!

Water Depth on Lake LBJ

Posted by on 6-06-24 in Lake LBJ Real Estate, waterfront property on Lake LBJ | Comments Off on Water Depth on Lake LBJ

Did you know that some areas on Lake LBJ have water so shallow at the back of the boat dock that it is nearly impossible to get a wake boat in and out of the slip?  I see many buyers that come out to the lake, get captivated by the view, the house, the dream and fail to pay close attention to the very important details that make a huge difference in your investment on Lake LBJ.  I’d say that water depth is VERY IMPORTANT when buying on Lake LBJ.  I always recommend a buyer take a stick or net and get down and try and touch the bottom to measure the water depth at the back of the boat dock.  Being able to get a boat in and out easily is very very important.  Some areas can be dredged in case the water is not deep enough but you need to know what you are buying before you write the check.  It pays to work with an experienced real estate broker on Lake LBJ that can help you point out things that matter.  Give us a call if we can assist with your Lake LBJ Real Estate purchase!

Look Outside the Box

Posted by on 5-05-24 in Lake LBJ Real Estate, waterfront property on Lake LBJ | Comments Off on Look Outside the Box

When searching for your dream home on Lake LBJ I always recommend looking at properties that are slightly above your price range, and slightly below as well as properties that fall outside of your desired location.  Having an open mind and expanding your parameters a but will never hurt you and only lead you to have more knowledge of the local market and it might just lead you to your dream home that you never thought you would buy.

I can’t tell you how many times I work with buyers of Lake LBJ Real Estate and they have an idea in their mind, typically influenced by a friend that has a home or has had a home on the lake. Of course there is biased involved and everyone likes to talk up what they have and get you to join them.  Sometimes, however, there are better properties, with a better value proposition in places you least expect.

As a local waterfront expert with years and years of experience selling Lake LBJ Real Estate I know where the good stuff lies.  I am never going to show a property to a buyer client of mine without a purpose. Sometimes its to show them what not to buy but often it is to educate them on the market and give them some new perspective which will help them shape what exactly they are looking to buy.  I know Lake LBJ like the back of my hand and I spend almost every single day in or around the lake. I also manage multiple second homes for clients so I know what people like and what they don’t, what costs a lot of money to own and what doesn’t.  I know what resales well and what type of waterfront appreciates over time.  Leverage my vast experience with Lake LBJ Real Estate for your gain. Call or text any time at (512) 786-1515

Septic vs Sewer on Lake LBJ

Posted by on 5-05-24 in Lake LBJ Real Estate, waterfront property on Lake LBJ | Comments Off on Septic vs Sewer on Lake LBJ

Waterfront homes on Lake LBJ either utilize a septic system or a sewer system depending on their location on the lake. Homes using a septic system have to leave sufficient room in the yard for the tank and the drain field and must meet certain distance and setback requirements to the water and certain utility easements.  This typically means that improvements cannot take up as much space vs a home with sewer because of this allocation. Homes using a sewer system have a grinder pump that pulverizes waste and then sends it offsite for treatment and disposal. These sewer type systems are typically better equipped to handle large loads and the inconsistent weekend load which is more inline with a  second home. Waterfront homes that utilize a septic system are able to cover more yard and also have to adhere to much less restriction and oversight compared to homes with septic systems.  Septic systems also require continuous maintenance not needed with a sewer system.


I have personally owned homes that utilize septic and have owned homes that use sewer. While I typically prefer a sewer system I would not not invest in a home because of septic. Please reach out if you have specific questions about septic systems or sewer systems on Lake LBJ.  If we can assist you buying, selling or owning Lake LBJ Real Estate please reach out!

Why Prices Continue to Rise on Lake LBJ

Posted by on 5-05-24 in Lake LBJ Real Estate | Comments Off on Why Prices Continue to Rise on Lake LBJ


There are two important factors affecting the value of Lake LBJ Real Estate.  Supply of available properties and demand for those properties.  Here I will break down why I think both are causing and will continue to cause the prices of Lake LBJ Real Estate to rise.


Supply of Lake LBJ Real Estate – As you know Lake LBJ is not very big.  No new land can be created and most of the lake is fully built out which means that anyone that wants to build a new home will likely have to get their hands on an old home and tear it down or do a major renovation.  On top of that each property is extremely unique and no two properties are exactly the same.  This means that if a buyer wants a specific area, or size of property there may only be one available for sale at any given time.  Lastly many of the families that own these properties are very wealthy and do not have good alternative options to reinvest the funds should they sell.  Many of these families elect to keep the properties and pass them down from generation to generation for various reasons including tax sheltering.  All of these factors combined make the supply of Lake LBJ Real Estate extremely limited.


Demand for Lake LBJ Real Estate – Did you remember hearing headline after headline about how many people were moving to Austin and/or Texas per day? It was a lot and it went on for a long time.  In Texas we have major cities like Austin, San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas with large populations but we also have places like Midland/Odessa, and Fredericksburg that are home to wealthy individuals.  With so many thriving industries like real estate, tech oil and gas, car dealers, attorneys, doctors, developers, builders, you name it, there are so many potential buyers in Texas alone that can afford to buy waterfront properties.  Lake LBJ is well positioned in the center of the state and the competition for other fresh water, constant level lakes is very limited making it a highly sought destination.  As Texas continues to thrive so will the demand for Lake LBJ Real Estate.

If you would like to learn more about our market and/or how I believe one should invest in Lake LBJ Real Estate give me a call.  I don’t just sell here but I also live here, on the water, and have great insight into the local market.  Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon!

Boat Dock Regulations on Lake LBJ

Posted by on 5-05-24 in Lake LBJ Real Estate | Comments Off on Boat Dock Regulations on Lake LBJ


Did you know that the LCRA allows boat docks to be built up to 50 ft of the shoreline and can be 1500 sq ft or less in size so long as they do not block more than 1/3 of the navigable channel?  I always recommend clients max out their boat dock size and take advantage of the essentially free real estate.  Boat docks are a critical piece to waterfront property and are often an extension of outdoor living space to a home.  If possible I recommend building two boat slips and a nice sitting area that is shaded from the sun and jet ski lifts if that is important to you

As a waterfront property owner myself I know and understand the ins and outs of Lake House ownership. Leverage my experience for your benefit when buying and selling Lake LBJ Real Estate!

Opportunity to Invest in Sunrise Beach

Posted by on 5-05-24 in Lake LBJ Real Estate | Comments Off on Opportunity to Invest in Sunrise Beach

As you know I have been successfully selling and also personally investing in Lake LBJ Real Estate for some time now. I have sold some properties on the lake as much as 3 different times now. I know how these places live, I know what makes money, and I know what sells time and time again. Too many times I see buyers making BAD moves by allowing their emotions to overtake the process, focusing on a shiny house, or a certain price point rather than fully considering and understanding what truly makes Lake LBJ Real Estate valuable as an investment and that is the land and water.

Our listing at 280 E. Lakeshore in Sunrise Beach is an opportunity that many people will pass over but the ones that jumps will be glad they did and here is why: This package is comprised of TWO separately platted waterfront lots. One lot has a nearly new boat dock that cost approx. $150k and the second has a 2 bedroom, 2 bath house that is very livable. Individually (and without any improvements) the lots alone are arguably worth more than what we are asking for the package. The current home is very functional and the dock is amazing and would be an asset to any lakefront home.

When you buy waterfront property do you really want to have most of your investment go towards the improvements or would you rather be investing in GREAT land that can always be built on and improved in the future? Here is the truth, without the lake frontage you likely wouldn’t be investing here so shouldn’t the bulk of the investment be centered around the water?

This Lake LBJ property is great as-is and would make for a phenomenal second home getaway. The lots could be built on individually so one could build a house on one for themselves and sell off the other OR keep the two lots together and build one house for a priceless waterfront tract. When I invest I like to consider the exit strategy and I like outs. This property has various outs and most importantly it is AS GOOD AS IT GETS in terms of waterfront property.

If you want to learn more or talk more about it reach out any time. Leverage my many years of experience for your benefit and gain! Allow me to help you wisely invest in Lake LBJ Real Estate.