LCRA to lower Lake LBJ starting January 2nd, 2017

Posted by in Lake LBJ Real Estate on Oct 24, 2016


The LCRA will lower Lake LBJ beginning January 2nd, 2017 for about 6 weeks until February 13th.  According to the LCRA the draw down will take approx. 3 to 4 days and the water will be stored in Lake Travis until needed downs stream.  The water levels will then be replenished from water currently stored in Lake Buchanan.  This offers a great opportunity for waterfront property owners to repair and maintain waterfront improvements such as boat docks, piers and retaining walls along the water’s edge.  This will also be good in controlling/managing underwater growth of Hydrilla and Eurasian waterMilfoil.  I strongly recommend Lake LBJ Real Estate owners begin planning and scheduling needed work as this will be a very busy time for area contractors.

For more information visit the LCRA website or contact me at (512) 786-1515.

Feb. 10