Lake LBJ Waterfront Real Estate Expert

Posted by in Lake LBJ Real Estate on Jan 27, 2016


When its time to buy or sell, you need a trusted professional that knows Lake LBJ, understands the market, and will work harder than anyone to help you accomplish your real estate goals on Lake LBJ! I am Eric Carvajal your waterfront real estate expert on Lake LBJ.

The process of buying a home on Lake LBJ often times is something that happens very fast as eager buyers come in from out of town and are instantly sold on the best option they see at that time. What many people fail to understand is that often times it is the buyers that are patient that find the best opportunities on Lake LBJ. Sure inventory is scarce but right now I have a list of 7 people, all with GREAT properties, that are considering the sell of their waterfront property. I also have another 5 off-market listings that are some of the best properties on Lake LBJ.

If your agent is only looking at MLS and hasn’t spent time “bird dogging” some additional opportunities on Lake LBJ, you might be missing a big part of the market. Each month, my team sends approximately 1600-2000 mailers minimum to all of the waterfront property owners on Lake LBJ. This aggressive farming technique is often times very fruitful and allows us a first hand look at new properties that might be coming for sale, aka pocket listings on Lake LBJ. When you hire me, you get a Lake LBJ real estate expert that goes far above the call of duty to ensure you are seeing the right opportunities even if they are not listed. My clients leverage my years of experience on Lake LBJ and by working with a broker that actually lives on the water Lake LBJ, they get someone that knows the ins and outs of owning Lake LBJ real estate.

This is a big investment and you owe to yourself to work with the LBJ real estate expert. Your friend/agent may be nice and you may want to help you out but lets be honest, if they really wanted to help you out they would refer you to the top real estate broker on Lake LBJ, rather than trying to keep all the commission for themselves. I can usually find you what you are looking for on Lake LBJ in a short amount of time, but sometimes I need my buyers to be patient just a little longer and the right waterfront opportunity will present itself. They always do!

Contact me today and let me assist you in your purchase of waterfront real estate on Lake LBJ. Hire the expert!

Feb. 10