Horseshoe Bay Announces Management Agreement with Crescent

Posted by in Everything Else on Aug 4, 2016

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Big news coming out of the Texas Hill Country!  The Jaffe family on behalf of he Horseshoe Bay Resort has entered into a management agreement with well-known Crescent Hotels and Resorts.  This long awaited announcement comes after many years of finding the right partnership or suitable buyer for the Horseshoe Bay Resort.

According to the company’s press release Crescent will begin a multimillion dollar improvement/expansion project beginning in late 2016 to include upgrading existing amenities as well as adding new ones.

Crescent Hotels & Resorts is a nationally recognized top-5 operator of hotels and resorts that currently operates over 100 hotels and resorts in the United States and Canada. Crescent operates a collection of legendary independent lifestyle hotels and resorts and is also one of the few elite management companies approved to operate upper-upscale and luxury hotels under the brand families of Marriott, Hilton, Starwood, Hyatt and IHG.

This is great news coming out of Horseshoe Bay.  As a Lake LBJ Real Estate expert I believe this is a big improvement to the already great resort.  I believe that bringing in a well-known operator that has experience with these types of resorts will really add value for both members and guests.  Lake LBJ is such a well-known and premier location in the Texas Hill Country and its important that the resort lives up to and exemplifies the high quality and luxury expectations of resort goers.  With so much great real estate in the area and perfect proximity to major Texas cities such as San Antonio, Houston, Dallas and Austin this is a perfect time for such a move.

Congratulations to the Jaffe family and the Horseshoe Bay Resort on getting this deal done!  I look forward to seeing what in store for the resort in the coming years.  If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about Horseshoe Bay Real Estate, contact me today at (512) 786-1515

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Feb. 10