Hidden Sand Bars Beneath the Surface of Lake LBJ

Posted by in Lake LBJ Real Estate, Resources on Feb 22, 2023

With Spring Break just around the corner and the warmer weather moving into the Lake LBJ area I felt it was appropriate to remind everyone of the dangers associated with playing on the lake and how there are many hidden Sand Bars just beneath the surface of the water.  The last time the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) lowered Lake LBJ 4 feet we sent our drone crew out to capture some of these hidden obstacles.  Keep in mind the fact that these Sand Bars can fluctuate in size and location and are constantly changing with the current and flow of the water in Lake LBJ.  Check out some of the pics we captured.  If we can help you buy, sell or own Lake LBJ Real Estate please reach out.  We know Lake LBJ!



Feb. 10