Good Land, Old House

Posted by in Lake LBJ Real Estate on Aug 29, 2024

I have been working with buyers of Lake LBJ real estate for years now and I cannot tell you how many times families pass up on good opportunities because the house didn’t meet their standards. (Almost) Everyone  has a financial budget for their lake house and everyone also has a level of tolerance for camping and projects. That being said its very important to keep the overall total number properties on Lake LBJ and also the total number of available properties at any one given time in perspective.  Matching the right lot with the right house is very very hard to do and when you find it, already completed, those will be the most expensive homes.

Personally I am down to camp in an old cabin on great water and take the time to improve it, even if that means our budget is stretched and we won’t be able to complete the upgrades immediately.  My wife has less of a tolerance for these projects but will follow my lead here because she trusts me.  I like to add value to everything I buy and I also love the actual process of getting from start to finish and watching a project flourish. When I look for waterfront property I am looking for great water, great views, something special and unique.  Next I look at the house to see if its something I can work with or something I need to tear down but only after I have qualified the waterfront.  I am also always looking for a “Game changer”.  Something (sometimes very small) that I can do to unlock hidden value. This could be a tree blocking a view, a wall between a kitchen and a living room that needs opening, or even knocking down of an old eye sore and cleaning up a property. It could be as easy as cleaning out the current owners furnishings and instantly watching a space come alive.  Now you need to understand that I live full time at the lake but if I am buying a second home, I want something different than what I have at home.  I don’t need a big space, or a certain number of bedrooms, I am looking for an experience.  At the lake I want a Lake House, not a city house at the lake (but that’s just me).

The bottom line is simple. You can’t have the house you want on the property you want unless you make it or have an unlimited budget.  And sometimes an unlimited budget won’t get you everything you want on Lake LBJ.  Be open to go outside of your comfort zone on a journey.  Lake house ownership is a marathon, not a sprint.  Do not be afraid to let this be a life long project that evolves as your life does. If you start with the right land, you will have the canvas necessary for which to build your dream house on Lake LBJ.  And remember guests don’t complain when they are invited to the lake. They are just happy to be there.



Feb. 10