Flushed Out Post Rain

Posted by in Lake LBJ Real Estate on Jun 3, 2016

As I was out checking on my listings after the big rain I snapped a few photos of some of the debris and trash that gets flushed through the lake after a big rain.  You can see from the photo that this mass of debris sticks together and moves down stream towards the dam where it will eventually be cleaned up out of the lake.  In my opinion this is actually good for Lake LBJ as it really is natures way of flushing out the water.  That being said, its important to be very careful over the coming weeks when taking the boat out because there are still large sticks and branches floating around that will ruin your prop.  Its also important to be aware that bacteria levels in the water can be higher during times like these because of all the water coming from upstream.  Use caution when swimming or skiing and make sure to read up on local lake closures and updates which can be found on the LCRA’s website.  For more information on Lake LBJ Real Estate contact me at (512) 786-1515

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Feb. 10