Ever Heard of Meadowlakes?

Posted by in Lake LBJ Real Estate on Sep 1, 2024

Have you ever heard of Meadowlakes on Lake Marble Falls?  I really hadn’t either until a friend from college’s parents purchased a home there a while back.  When visiting I was always taken back by the size of the huge Pecan trees and I remember the first time I felt he southern breeze at the water’s edge and was reminded of just how powerful God is. I knew this place was special from the moment I stepped foot here.


For those that don’t already know Meadowlakes is actually its own city in the heart of Marble Falls.  This gated community is home to the Hidden Falls golf course and has a neighborhood pool which is getting ready to be torn out and rebuilt as an enhanced neighborhood amenity.  There aren’t many waterfront homes in the community but all of the off-water properties have access to a community park and boat ramp which is an excellent amenity.  The waterfront homes are all located in the “Orchard” which is known for its towering pecans and incredible shade.  These properties face south and benefit from the southern breeze in the hottest of months.


I really like Lake Marble Falls for a few reasons:

  1. The water is very deep which I have always appreciated.  No one likes to worry about water depth and the water here gets deep quick.
  2. There is very little boat traffic here.  Even on a holiday weekend its pretty calm around here.
  3. The Location is superb!  Being a few minutes from HEB, Home Depot, Lowes and he downtown district which includes Main Street Marble Falls is excellent.
  4. Good value – Lake Marble Falls seems to be trading cheaper than Lake LBJ and so there is a lot of value to be had with investing in something less popular but with huge potential


As prices continue to rise for waterfront real estate on Lake LBJ budget conscious buyers have to get creative, think outside of the box and find value in places others aren’t looking.  I am an active real estate investor so that is the lens through which I typically see things.  I believe your lake house can be a great investment for your family and your future and Lake Marble Falls should be included in your search.  You never know which property, and where, will move you.

Reach out at (512) 786-1515 if I can be of assistance.  As your local real estate expert on Lake LBJ and Lake Marble Falls I’d love to help you find your dream home at the lake.

Feb. 10