Does this property need a new septic?

Posted by in Lake LBJ Real Estate, LCRA septic inspection on Oct 13, 2015


When buying or selling Lake LBJ Real Estate, the LCRA requires that all septic systems be inspected at the time of sale and a new continued use permit be issued to the new buyer before they legally operate the system. This can be a very costly repair and something that needs to be factored in to value/sales price. No matter which side you are on, working with an experienced real estate broker will most likely save you thousands and help you avoid unexpected expenses.

The LCRA rates each septic system by the number of bedrooms and total square footage of the house. Often times homes are added on too without the septic being adequately expanded. This means that the LCRA will most likely require a new system or the old system to be retrofitted to meet the new sizing requirements. It is also common on properties with a lot of trees for the roots of the trees to get inside the septic lines and tanks and impact their ability to function properly. Sometimes the system can be doctored to pass inspection but in most cases a new system would be a better bet. A seller is typically going to do whatever to simply get a “pass” where as a buyer may have a higher standard when it comes to their property. Understanding the age, capacity and condition of the system is very important.

For a septic inspection on Lake LBJ Real Estate, the tanks typically have to be uncovered, pumped and with older systems a water load test done to see if the current system is functioning as intended. Working with a reputable septic company can be critical in this process.

When you hire the Carvajal Group to represent you to buyer or sell waterfront property on Lake LBJ, you get a experienced and knowledgeable broker that knows how to navigate through the LCRA’s process of inspections but also how to point buyers and sellers in the right direction when it comes to septic systems to accomplish their goals.

Don’t sell yourself short. Hire the expert! Call me at (512) 786-1515

Feb. 10