Choice Properties are the only way to go

Posted by in Lake LBJ Real Estate on Dec 14, 2015


When searching for Lake LBJ real estate, choice properties are the only way to go. What I mean by “choice” is properties that have ideal characteristics when referring to the land. Things like afternoon shade, mature trees, clean water, impeccable views are all characteristics that I believe make waterfront properties on Lake LBJ “choice”.

Its important to remember that the scarce and valuable portion of Lake LBJ Real Estate is the waterfront and the land in front of the water. In most areas, properties directly across the street from the best properties on Lake LBJ have a much lower value because the value lies in the waterfront. So if you look at only waterfront properties and then carve out the ones that have “choice” characteristics things really start to get scrace……and that means valuable.

Along with value, goes utility. Properties that have these choice characteristics also have a much higher utility. These are the properties that you see staying in families year after year because they are pleasant to be at and are desirable. All too often I see homes that just got purchased go right back to the market because the buyers worked with a real estate professional that did not know how to point these flaws out.

Before you jump in to purchasing a waterfront property on Lake LBJ, give me a call at (512) 786-1515. I am true real estate expert at Lake LBJ and I can assist you in making a smart investment in a property. I exclusively sell waterfront property on Lake LBJ and I pride myself in helping my clients find their “forever property”.

Your Waterfront Address. My Passion!

Feb. 10