Battle for water

Posted by in Lake LBJ Real Estate on Feb 25, 2013

There is a current battle taking place between rice farmers in Matagorda county and the LCRA who controls water flow from the Colorado River.  In recent years, the LCRA has ensured plenty of water necessary to grow and produce rice for these farmers however the recent drought has changed their position.  For the second year in a row the LCRA has voted to not send water downstream to these farmers due to current drought conditions.

Farmers are arguing that the lack of water is really hurting the economy in these farm towns.  The LCRA argues that low lake levels reduces spending from recreation.  In an article posted on it was said that over one growing season, this rice requires, per acre the same amount of water used by 18 single family homes in Austin and only produces 1500 lbs. of rice, enough to feed family’s of four in each of those 18 homes for two years, eating rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

This is good news for owners of Lake LBJ real estate as it shows the commitment to the lakes water levels over agriculture.  To read more, check out the article on


If you would like more information on Lake LBJ real estate, contact me at (512) 786-1515.

Feb. 10