
Lake LBJ Real Estate Statistics – Waterfront Lots: All Areas

It has been a busy year for Lake LBJ real estate,...

Lake LBJ Real Estate Statistics – YTD: Sunrise Beach

Below are the statistics for Sunrise Beach waterfront homes...

Getting to know Lake LBJ Real Estate

Getting to know Lake LBJ Real Estate

We have created specific pages for each of the different...

Deer Repellant Experiment

Deer Repellant Experiment

For anyone that owns a Lake LBJ Real Estate in Granite...

Four Tips for Lake LBJ Real Estate

Four Tips for Lake LBJ Real Estate

Here are four very important Tips to consider when buying...

Design ideas for Lake LBJ Real Estate

Design ideas for Lake LBJ Real Estate

Here is a great web resource for design ideas for Lake LBJ...

Feb. 3