Accurate Pricing Is Critical

Posted by in Horseshoe Bay Real Estate, Kingsland Real Estate, Lake LBJ Real Estate on May 6, 2021

Accurately pricing a home in today’s crazy real estate market on Lake LBJ is critical to a top dollar sell.  Inventory is at an all-time low and and demand is higher than I have ever seen it in my career.  In my professional opinion the best way to sell a piece of property for the most money is to aggressively price it, right in the sweet spot and let the market dictate the final sales price.  It is important to be accurate, not to high and not too low but just right to get that emotional response from buyers that make them feel like they need to jump.  When this happens bidding wars start and that is when a top dollar sale, with ideal terms takes place.  Hire the Expert. We know Lake LBJ!

Feb. 10