Posted by in Lake LBJ Real Estate on Jun 27, 2020

See below from Peter Jones regarding the Proposed Collier Sand Plant in Llano County on Lake LBJ:


I had previously advised that the proposed sand plant by Collier Inc on Sandy Creek has had the permit request withdrawn by Collier Inc. and will not proceed.

Collier Inc. has been seeking alternate options and is planning to establish a sand plant about one mile west of the 2900 bridge on the Llano River at the Moss/Miles ranch.

I have met with the Kevin Collier, President of Collier Inc,  and  the following is a summary of the plans for this plant.

Collier Inc has entered into an agreement with the ranch owners to use part of the ranch for this purpose. The plan is for Collier Inc to use two dredging barges to dredge sand from the Llano River about 2500 feet either side of the site location and to pump the sand from the dredging barges to land. The barges will dredge 2 foot strips of sand up to 30 feet deep and will dredge across the river and along the river banks. On land the sand will go through a dewatering wheel to remove water from the sand. The water will then be passed through 3 ponds to clarify the water and be returned to the lake. The sand will drop onto a conveyor system that will bring the sand to the southern end of the site property. The sand will enter a processor to separate the sand to potentially 9 different types of sand specifications for use on golf course bunkers and cement. The processor will be run on electric power and will be the most technically advanced system in North America. The sand will then be trucked from the property onto County Road 309 to Hwy 71.

The operation will run 5 days per week from 7am to 5 pm. It is expected when in full operation that this plant may produced up to 4,000 tons of sand per day which would require about 120 trucks per day to transport. To offset the cost to improve and maintain CR309 Collier will provide financial support to the county. Collier has discussed this with to the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) who would be required to approve a permit, as well the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and other agencies. The effective date to start operations is planned to be March 2021.

This summary will no doubt raise many additional questions and more information will be forthcoming as more details are known.

Collier has attempted to address many of the concerns expressed with the Sandy Creek project and is in line with the concern many have to establish a long term solution to reduce the sediment build up in Lake LBJ.

I will provide updates on information on this project as it is known.

Please see the map below showing the location of the site.

Feb. 10