2900 Bridge Update on Lake LBJ

Posted by in Kingsland, Kingsland Real Estate, Lake LBJ Real Estate on Oct 24, 2018


Below is an updated on the 2900 Bridge in Kingsland, Texas from TXDOT:

2900 Bridge Update from TXDOT

“Our engineers are aggressively working towards developing plans for a new bridge that will better serve the needs of the public in the future. 95% complete plans are due this Friday. We will meet with FHWA next Monday to discuss the plans and improvements. Once we receive FHWA’s ok, we will be able to go out for bids from contractors. We have received approval to execute our contract under our emergency maintenance contracting procedures which will cut out a lot of time from the normal bidding process. All in all, we should be under construction beginning of December, if not earlier.”

“Construction time frame is still being worked out but looks on the range between 6 and 9 months depending on contractor work hours (shooting for 24/7), # number of drill crews available to match time frame and other variables still being hashed out. As the plan is more defined, I’ll pass it along.”

For more helpful information surrounding Lake LBJ real estate contact me at (512) 786-1515.  If we can be of assistance during this difficult time do not hesitate to reach out

Feb. 10