2900 Bridge Under Construction – Groundbreaking Ceremony on Friday

Posted by in Lake LBJ Real Estate on Nov 7, 2018

The 2900 Bridge in Kingsland, Texas is now under construction and TxDOT is inviting you to the groundbreaking ceremony this Friday Novemeber 9th at 11am.  The ceremony will take place on the north side of the Llano river arm of Lake LBJ. If you plan on attending they are asking you to please RSVP through email at Bradleydotwheelisattxdotdotgov Below is a link to the invitiation

Groundbreaking Invite_RM 2900 Bridge Replacement

If you have questions about your Lake LBJ real estate value after this historic flood or need assistance cleaning up or rebuilding do not hesitate to reach out at (512) 786-1515.

Feb. 10